Outdoor Brands Are Dropping Gender Labels

Engagierter Läufer J Solle möchte mit seiner Kleidung ausdrucksstark sein, sei es im Alltag oder beim Laufen durch die Straßen und Parks von New York City. Doch bis vor kurzem hatte der 29-jährige Programmmanager Schwierigkeiten, technische Bekleidung zu finden, die seinen Anforderungen entsprach. Als nicht-binärer Athlet hatte Solle zwei Möglichkeiten, Laufkleidung zu tragen: Männer- oder Frauenkleidung. … Read more

West Mountain Loop – Bear Mountain State Park

June 4, 2023 – Tomkins Cove, NY Difficulty: Moderate Length: Approximately 4.2 miles Max elevation: 1,245 ft.– total elevation gain approximately 800 ft. Route type: Circuit Buy Map (Paper & Avenza): Harriman-Bear Mountain Trails Map #119 Free Map (Paper & Avenza): Harriman State Park Trail Map Trailhead parking: Anthony Wayne Recreation Area North Lot, Palisades … Read more

The Conway Circuit Walk – Whitsundays, QLD

Eine 2-3-tägige Wanderung vor der Haustür von Airlie Beach Die Whitsundays, ein Reiseziel, das normalerweise mit den aquamarinblauen Gewässern in Verbindung gebracht wird, die rund um die 74 Inseln auf und ab gehen, sind bei Touristen beliebt, die sich für Bootstouren und Rifftage anstellen, an denen sie segeln, paddeln, schnorcheln und mit allem Blauen verbunden … Read more

Best hikes in Slovenian mountains in summer 2023

As a travel agency owner and mountain guide, I am fortunate to be able to go on many mountain hikes and climbs and see beautiful, hard-to-reach places that many only dream of. Be it a daring climb of Triglav, Slovenia’s highest mountain, a hike through colorful meadows in the beautifully remote mountains above Jezersko or … Read more

10 Campfire Safety Tips | CleverHiker

Average 7.5 million Every year, hectares of forest are ravaged by wildfires. And almost 85% of wildfires are caused by humans. These statistics may seem pretty grim, but the good news is that they mean that most of the fire damage caused to our forests each year can be prevented. With a little more preparation, … Read more

문화상품권 사용처 및 종류

문화상품권 사용처 및 종류에 대해 알아보자! 안녕하세요. 오늘은 문화상품권의 다양한 활용처에 대해서 소개해드리려고 합니다. ​ 저는 개인적으로 모바일 상품권을 자주 이용하는데요, 요즘엔 거의 대부분의 사람들이 스마트폰 하나씩 가지고 있잖아요? 그래서 그런지 휴대폰 어플에서도 쉽게 구매할 수 있더라구요~ ​ 제가 주로 쓰는 방법이에요 ᄒᄒ 우선 가장 먼저 문화상품권을 어떻게 받는지부터 알려드릴게요! ​ 1) 아래 링크를 통해 … Read more